Mockdoor 0.50.04 Released
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- admin
- December 23, 2022
In this update the biggest change was the complete introduction of an integrated and interactive (can use it to run API requests easily) swagger/API documentation. You can view the new swagger docs at the /swagger/ endpoint. This update also included some bug fixes and improvements to the Request manager and multiple APIs handling of bad requests. Lastly the latency detail on mock responses was added to the UI CRUD pages.
The swagger documentation is also available at
As usual to quickly see the update you can run the command.
“docker run -d -p 44304:80 –name mockdoor mockdoor/server:0-50-04”
Then navigate to http://localhost44304/swagger/ to see the new API documentation.
New features here
Ability to edit recorded latency (for future use to simulate fake delay of matching time on mock response)